
ProBar Wireless

ProBar Wireless - ProBar Systems Inc

Each ProBar Wireless pour spout has brand identification with 4 programmable pour sizes. Simply select a size right on the pour spout for quick and accurate pouring.

The pour spout automatically stores, sends and confirms receipt of pour data with the receiver.

The rechargeable battery in the pour spout allows thousands of drinks to be poured between charges. The pour spout has a built-in low battery indicator that sends its status to the receiver. The pour spout power status report can be printed anytime. If the battery is completely run down the pourer will not allow a pour.

The pour spout has a built in bottle sensor and liquid sensor. The bottle sensor records and transmits the time the pourer was removed and the bottle changed . The liquid sensor confirms liquid in the bottle before it pours.

The ProBar Wireless system can be connected to a printer and used as a stand alone control system. The system will print the poured data which can be compared to a POS system report for variance.

The ProBar Wireless system can be connected to a PC.

The ProBar Wireless system can be connected to the ProBar Dispensing Station for instant pour data transfer.

The ProBar Wireless system can be connected to POS systems for instant pour data transfer.